The Blockprint
Whimsical. Joyful. Vibrant.
Earth & sea: our Block Print Collection looks to both for inspiration.
Plumb the depths of the sea with our Samudree Line; a collection of complex 12-block prints that layer colour upon colour to create a vibrant, underwater world. Look closely and you'll discover whimsical characters- we've taken great joy in adding quirky, tiny details to these incredible prints. ​
Samudree means nautical in Hindi, and while the technique & process are rooted in a centuries-old textile culture, we've looked for inspiration not from the traditional land-based floral block prints of the region, but from the ocean and the rich world that lays within it.
Meanwhile our Terra Incognita Line of dabu block prints is crafted using the local, black mud of Bagru to resist dye. We've repeated the printing of the mud resist to create unusual single, double & even triple-layered dabu.
Together with a team of talented, young designers, block makers & printers in Jaipur, Sanganeer & Bagru - all centuries-old block printing centers - we've taken hand block printing to a new level of complexity & depth.
Our clothing is stitched by brothers Parvez & Lal in Delhi.